Megunticook Trail Festival

Three Bold Trail Races In Camden, Maine

Race Where the Mountains Meet the Sea

The Camden Hills of Maine are where the mountains meet the sea – and you’ll experience both in the only races to take place in the iconic Camden Hills State Park. The Wicked Tough 10 is a 10K race that will test even the most accomplished runner on steep single track with 1600 feet of vertical gain. The new Halfast 20k takes place mainly on wide gravel trail, a great introductory race for those new to trail running or for experienced racers who want to test their speed. The Megunticook 50, is a 50K that is formidable and will traverse over 90% of the trails in the park. All afford a great and intimate taste of this unique area of the country.

Rising 1385 feet above sea level, Mount Megunticook is the second highest mountain (by 175’) along the Atlantic Coast and offers stunning views of Penobscot Bay and out to the open ocean. Both races are among the most challenging in their category but offer the opportunity to experience this unique area is a very special way. Entries are limited.

Rugged Beauty and Trails to Conquer

The Midcoast area of Maine is home to charming coastal villages, pastoral farmlands and the rugged beauty of the Camden Hills. The park consists of over 5700 acres and has over 30 miles of trails. From deep, northern New England forest to rocky and exposed mountaintops, the trails traverse some of the most beautiful scenery to be found. Known as the only place on the east coast where the mountains meet the sea, the rugged mountains rise up with stunning views overlooking Penobscot bay and the Atlantic Ocean. Come join us for three tough races to test your endurance and drive while enjoying some of the most picturesque views Maine has to offer.

History of the Races

The Megunticook 50k and Wicked Tough 10 were established in 2020 by David Hirschfield who set out to create a world class ultramarathon that would attract top racers from around the country and around the world. The grueling 50k course stands out from other races as it is a one way course that covers almost every trail in Camden Hills State Park with very little overlap. This is a stunning setting where the mountains rise directly beside the Atlantic ocean allowing for pristine ocean views and rugged terrain. In 2022, David passed these races onto the non-profit One Community Many Voices. OCMC directed the race in 2022 but due to unforeseen circumstances they could not continue. This left the race without a director in 2023.

When I heard that the future of this event was in jeopardy I decided to step in and take over. I have participated in this event every year that it has happened. As an ultrarunner and active member of our local trail running community, I take a lot of pride in having a race like this in our state park. I also routinely host running retreats in these mountains through my company, Adventures in Wellness, and have seen first-hand the joy they can bring to others.

I’m excited to take David’s vision and grow it. I want this festival to not only be a destination race for ultra runners but also a race where locals come out to race, cheer, volunteer or just spend a day in Camden Hills State Park.

Please feel free to reach out if you would like to be involved in any way. I look forward to seeing all of you on the start line!

Thank you,

Please be sure to visit the main site for more details about each run, times and all other event information! 

Megunticook Trail Festival

Camden Hills State Park in MidCoast, Maine

Event Details


September 7, 2024

Venue Address

Camden Hills State Park

280 Belfast Road, Camden 

Additional Information

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